Rights of Way: Restoring the Record 2026 FREE TRAINING DAYS

Added on 27 February 2019

On 1st January 2026, unrecorded and under-recorded historic public rights of way will cease to exist. It's scary to think how many routes, including some that we take for granted because 'there has never been a problem', could be lost forever if we don't all do our bit to get them r...

Added on 07 February 2019

County Lines and Cuckooing documents/other/county-lines-and-cuckooing-31.1.2019.pdf

Aberhafesp Community Council needs your opinion...........

Added on 06 October 2018

ABERHAFESP COMMUNITY COUNCIL IS SEEKING THE OPINION OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE COMMUNITY. At the latest Community Council meeting it was discussed about selling the land where the Institute used to stand in Bwlch y Ffridd. If the land was to be sold monies raised would be put into a trust fund to be us...